General Criteria

To be eligible for these awards:

    • Entries must relate to products launched and activities taking places between 1 March 2018 and 1 February 2019.
    • Entries must relate to products originating in and activities taking place in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
    • The closing date for all DFNI EMEA Awards is 27 February 2019. Entries received after this date will not be eligible.
    • Entries can be made by individual businesses, those officially representing them or anyone wishing to nominate a relevant entrant.
    • Awards are open to sector companies of any size.
    • All parts of the entry form must be completed online to make the entry valid. Please note that the supporting statement can be no more than 500   words. Statements longer than this will be rejected. Please address each bullet point separately in your answer. 
    • Each entry must be individual and tailored to the award category.
    • Supporting materials:

                - Company logo required

                - Supporting image required

                -  Optional supporting material – this can be a Powerpoint or PDF document including text and images of no more than 15 
                    pages/40MB in size.

                - Optional supporting video

             Please note compressed files will not be accepted.

             Please also note the company logo and image supplied in your entry will be used in the AV at the awards ceremony unless otherwise specified.

    • An initial conference call will take place for judges to discuss points weighting, ensure all criteria are met across entries and gain perspective from stakeholders from other sides of the industry.
    • Using the published criteria, the panel of judges will individually allocate a score to each finalist working remotely using our online system.
    • The winner and runners up will be according to the final amalgamated scores. (In the unlikely event of a dead tie, we well ask the judges to re-score the three highest-scoring finalists)